Thursday, September 3, 2020

My minimum standards for coding in Java

People have a tendency to overlook certain issues, and may require gentle reminders every so often, to nudge them in the right direction. I'd imagine a simplified list would help with rehearsing the drill. This happens everywhere, including at work with my team, with regards to Java coding for webapp development. Here's what I've come up with succinctly abbreviated as "SCROLL":
  • Switches
  • Comments
  • Reusability
  • LogLevels


Implement soft toggles that allow the running application to toggle features without server restarts. This is particularly useful for rolling out enhancements prior to the actual go-live date.

One way is to store such values in the database via system variables or code tables. The "enhanced" code should then check the switch each time it is called. Of course, not all situations can adopt this method, but I'd think that doing this as much as possible will be of great help.


Elaborate explanations in the codes will help others understand your thought processes in future. I find it equally helpful for when I revisit very old codes that was written by yours truly. The explanations for changes in workflows will be useful for troubleshooting several years down the road. 

A recommended format would be //name, date, description for single-liners. The next person could potentially approach the person who built it, and be able to discern a timeline of which set of codes came after which.

An added bonus would be if the comments were following conventional Java /** **/ format such that it can show up properly in generated javadocs.


Optimised codes can be refactored into methods that can be write-once-run-anywhere (at the code level). This includes system variables and constants. Also part of this category are Util classes that serve a common, generic purpose.


Security should never be an afterthought, where the OWASP still is the recommended set of guidelines that web developers should work with. Proper validations should be ensured (even for basic "!= null" checks) which will aid in the long run in case of code scans and security tests.


Logging is important, but so is the correct use of loglevels. Only use INFO level for production environments, while aiming to only output a single line containing all the useful information without generating extraneous logs. A sub-point would be to avoid logging sensitive data, and sanitising the output if it's necessary.

The above are meant for highlighting specific areas to focus on, in the name of brevity. Do you have any others you'd consider adding/replacing to the list?

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