Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Maven Install does not Package

This episode started with our use of Jenkins. But ultimately it had to do with how Maven was behaving with regards to the various lifecycle phases. Our original command was "mvn clean install". 

This would be the norm for most of our projects, except for one module which was generating stub files from the WSDL of another. One particular object - let's just call it com.blogger.quirksofit.vehicles.QuirkyParentType - is being extended by numerous others in a subpackage. Class QuirkyParentType will always be generated into com.blogger.quirksofit.vehicles, but depending on how the project JAR was being built, QuirkyParentType may or may not be generated into where the subclasses reside.

This problem doesn't surface until our tests where the first module calls the other. The backend replies with an ambiguous XML tag for QuirkyParentType which the front determines to be part of the subpackage. And if the Maven build was not done correctly, this will all break.

We noticed that "mvn clean install package" helped, to a certain extent. The source file for QuirkyParentType was generated, but it was still not propagated into the Maven repository. What did manage to do the trick, was when we tried to call "mvn clean package install" out of exasperation. We'd previously assumed that the Install phase should call Package first. This did not happen for some reason. And by putting package after install, the repository was updated before the source was generated.

Finally, we put all of this into Jenkins to complete the build and left for home, and our late night dinners.

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