The short gist
Running the Windows Command Prompt, load the local proxy:
kubectl proxy
Then execute cURL like so:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{}" http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kubernetes-dashboard/serviceaccounts/admin-user/token
The TokenResponse JSON object should appear in the reply that ends with
"status": {
"token": "eyJhb...",
"expirationTimestamp": "2022-09-30T10:01:13Z"
The long story
There used to be a time when the Kubernetes Dashboard came out of the box with a command for retrieving the default token using the command line. Until it didn't.
Scouring many forums and discussion threads, it seems to have been removed.
Secret token not generating - General Discussions - Discuss Kubernetes
Not able to login to Kubernetes dashboard using token with service account - Stack Overflow
Even the official documentation was nary a help.
dashboard/ at master · kubernetes/dashboard · GitHub
dashboard/ at master · kubernetes/dashboard · GitHub
Some people suggested overriding with the --enable-skip-login flag, which didn't work for me either.
Running Kubernetes and the dashboard with Docker Desktop (
The trail eventually lead me to the suggestion of calling the K8s API to get what I want.
Which in turn allowed me to locate this post that gave some useful headway.
A Look at How to Use TokenRequest Api | jpweber blog
This has troubled me for over a month as I had to repeatedly get interrupted with other tasks. I'm at least satisfied that this has arrived at a conclusion before the weekend.