The one other thing that stood out to me was when I moused over @RequestMapping in Eclipse and one of the list of arguments was noted as such:
Simply put, if you URL ends with a period "." then Spring defaults to assuming it could be a file extension, and will strip off anything after the dot and return whatever string preceding it.
annotated parameters (Servlet-only) for access to URI template values (i.e. /hotels/{hotel}). Variable values will be converted to the declared method argument type. By default, the URI template will match against the regular expression[^\.]*
(i.e. any character other than period), but this can be changed by specifying another regular expression, like so: /hotels/{hotel:\d+}.
My annotation went from
@RequestMapping(value = "/fruits/{fruitName}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
Into inclusion of a simple regex that factors in the period symbol
@RequestMapping(value = "/fruits/{fruitName:.+}", method = RequestMethod.GET)